
Anal Fistula Treatment

Dr. Lalit Chaudhry is the best fistula Treatment in Dehradun. Dr. Lalit Chaudhry beautifully and efficiently manages anal fistula. He has earned and learned the best treatments and skills to operate a variety of fistula without surgery. He is the expert in conducting the superior diagnosis and therapeutic care for fistula-in-ano.

Dr. Lalit Chaudhry is delivering the world-class healthcare facilities with care and kindness. Here below you will get the precise idea about the anal fistula, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment options available for the same.

What is Fistula?

An anal fistula is a medical terminology used for an infected tube that grows within anal channel and skin of the anus. In the majority of the cases, fistula is the result of a consequence of an anal abscess and appears just below the anal skin. The condition results in an abscess that contains pus and fluid. It develops multiple holes in the latter phase of the disease.

Types of Fistula

Anal Fistulas are of five kinds as follows:

  • Extra-sphincteric fistula
    This type of fistula develops near the rectum or sigmoid colon. The rectum is the part of colon above the anal canal, and sigmoid is the part of colon above the rectum. From here they move down and open in the skin surrounding the anus.
  • Inter-sphincteric fistula
    It is the outcome of a perianal abscess. In this, fistula tract forms within the internal sphincter and the intersphincteric space, and then ends at the perineum.
  • Trans-sphincteric fistula
    This type of fistula develops behind the anus or in between the internal and external sphincter muscles.
  • Supra-sphincteric fistula
    They develop beside the internal and external sphincter tissues. Then they stretch up and meet the puborectalis muscle and open an inch or more away from the anus.

Fistula Symptoms

  • Skin maceration
  • Pus or fecal discharge through the anus or fistula boils on & off.
  • The sensation of anal itching and throbbing
  • Pain throughout the anal area
  • Inflammation nearby the anus
  • Skin irritations and skin becomes red near anal opening.
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Constipation or continence related to stool discharge

The signs mentioned above are beneficial to diagnose the condition of anal fistula

Fistula Causes

  • Constant long time sitting and abscess formation
  • Long driving, dry eating, less water intake
  • If a person is experiencing Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which affects the digestive system and result in pain, diarrhea, and constipation
  • Diverticulitis and Crohn’s disease concerns the growth of small sacks that attaches to the large intestine
  • Damage to a rectal portion
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa affects the sweat glands and results in multiple conditions and recover from scarring

Fistula Treatments

  • Laser treatment
    Dr. Lalit Chaudhry is the colorectal surgeon expert in performing fistula treatment by using Laser technology. The therapy is the safe, efficient, less invasive and sphincter-saving system. The procedure requires approx. 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Advanced Seton Therapy
    It is a combination of traditional and modern techniques. We use different ayurvedic herbs to prepare medicated Seton (a thread or string). We tag this Seton to drain the fistula. We keep Seton inside for several days. The pus and infected tissue can flow down through the Seton. Then we remove this herbal thread without surgery and without causing any complications. We perform this entire treatment under the local anesthesia.
  • Fistulotomy
    A fistulotomy is an outpatient operational method used to treat anal fistula. The procedure requires a few minutes or an hour. In this, the doctor makes an incision in the body to open the irregular connection between the two organs.
  • Ksharsutra & Kshar Karma
    It is Ayurveda treatment first time invented by Acharya Sushrut before 5000 years. Later in this therapy is developed by Dr. Lalit Chaudhry for piles & fistula. The method is best for piles & fistula which does not have any complication and side effects, negligible recurrence. The entire process requires local anesthesia. We are expert in performing Ksharsutra.

Pre-Surgery Instructions

  • Avoid eating of heavy, spicy food before few hours of treatment
  • Take a shower to maintain cleanliness
  • Wear comfortable and loose fitting dresses
  • Plan a person for your care

Post-Surgery Instructions

  • Use Sitz bath procedure for 3-4 times in a day
  • Use a pad across the anal region until the complete healing
  • Drink more water
  • Restart usual routine after discharge from hospital
  • Carry out simplistic exercises
  • Keep the dressing on the wound until the proper healing of the wound
  • Use soft toilet papers
  • Eat a healthy and fibre-rich diet

Myths of Fistula

  • It is the curse of God
  • An infant growing inside the uterus causes fistulas in mother
  • Procedural mistakes or errors in the labor process induces fistulas

Get in touch with Piles Treatment in India  and have a healthier and better relief from Fistula.