
Fissure Treatment

An anal fissure is a tear or rip in the lining of the anal canal. Here’s what you need to know about anal fissures.

Dr. Lalit Chaudhry is the one of the best doctor where you will find the solution for multiple health issues. Dr. Lalit Chaudhry is the best fissure treatment in Dehradun. Dr. Lalit Chaudhry skillfully delivers the treatment to prevent the recurrence of the fissure in future.

To deliver the laser treatments he has undergone thorough certified laser training. He is superior in diagnosing and analyzing all types of fissures. He tries to maintain world-class quality care and services.

What is a Fissure?

An intense or long-lasting hole or cracks in the anal region produces anal fissures. These breaks give sharp pain and strain during stool release. It is common in men and women including the anus and anal canal, mainly in the anoderm. The most leading position for an anal fissure is the midline behind the anal canal. It equally develops in both young and old men, and women. During Infancy, an anal fissure is the main reason for the rectal bleeding.

Causes and Risk Factors

Anal fissures are most often caused by trauma in the anal canal. They can be caused by straining during a bowel movement, chronic diarrhea, anal intercourse, childbirth, and anything else that may cause trauma in the canal. Anal fissures are most common in infants, but can occur at any age. Other risk factors include childbirth, constipation, and crohn’s disease.

Types of Fissure

Anal fissures develop at the front or on the back side. They are two types as follows:

  • Acute fissure
    Acute crack occurs abruptly and needs two weeks for their proper healing.
  • Chronic fissure
    This kind of fissures requires more time for the cure.

Symptoms of Anal Fissures

This condition is characterized by a few symptoms. The most common symptoms include pain and bleeding with bowel movements. You may experience pain during and after a bowel movement, even hours later, with an anal fissure. Many people with this condition may notice blood on the outer surface of stool or blood on toilet paper after a bowel movement. Other symptoms can include a visible crack around the anus, burning and itching, constipation, and foul-smelling discharge around the fissure.

Fissure Treatments

For most of the cases, Dr. Lalit Chaudhry  treats the anal fissures without treatment. Following are the home remedies to manage the fissure of the primary stage.

Use stool softeners or thinners
More liquids and healthy diet
Sitz bath to reduce sensitivity, and improve blood circulation
Use of creams or pain relievers to the anus to enhance blood movement
Some injections work to inhibit cracks in the anus by paralyzing the muscle