
Rectal Prolapse Treatment

Rectal prolapse is a condition in which the Rectum ( the lower end of the colon, located just above the anus ) becomes stretched out and protrudes out of the anus.

Treatment for Rectal Prolapse?

To prevent a rectal prolapse, one has to avoid constipation and that is achieved through high fiber diet that adequate fluid intake and avoiding straining in the motions. But once the rectal prolapse has happened medical therapies are not very effective in putting the rectum back into position and that is when a surgical treatment is required.

Traditional treatment methods included an open operation which involved long cut on the abdomen and through that the rectum is pulled back inside and fixed in place. Nowadays just like most other gastrointestinal problems we offer a laparoscopic repair for this condition wherein with the help of three or four keyholes, the rectum which is protruding out of the anus is again pulled back and fixed into position to the sacral bone and this fixation is reinforced by the use of a mesh. Once this surgery is done the patient can continue to have a normal life without the rectum prolapsing everything time you go for motion.